Digital Fabrication

Here are some projects that I developed during my Digital Fabrications course where we learned various forms of rapid prototyping ranging from laser cutting, to vinyl cutting, 3D printing and CNC routing.

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3D Printing

3D printed modular ring with multiple "fidget top" options. The wearer can slide on and off the upper part of the ring based on which type of fidgeting motion they would like to use at that time. (Rendered on Rhinoceros and Printed with Form 3


CNC Rounter

Inspired by the Tiny House Movement and modular, multi-purpose furniture I designed this love seat couch that can transform into a low table with floor seating by removing the chair inserts from the table top. (Rendered in Rhinoceros and routed on large scale CNC)


Vinyl Cutting

Using Abode Suites, we also learned to use the vinyl cutter to make stickers, I made a series of stickers that say my last name, Firoozi, in Farsi.


Laser Cutting

After a series of experimenting on the laser cutter with low fidility materials like Cardboard and Chipboard we experiemented by bringing in a material that wasn't on the pre-set material list and learning to adjust the settings ourselves. By altering the hard marble settings I was able to engrave on Labradorite Crystals, which is both a curved and luminiesent surface, which made it necessary to tape off the stone before engraving so the laser would not reflect back into itself and melt.